Monday, September 14, 2009

A Future without Kiosks?
Not Very Likely...thank you!

Just this week we were told that there will be no kiosks in the future! We have to suppose that as with all things it will depend upon what your definition of “the future” is. We can’t comment on life hundreds of years from now but as to the next ten years or so from now we will stick to an old African proverb…”the future belongs to those who prepare for it today!” At the risk of looking old fashioned in our quest for the future our version of “preparation” involved lots of hours of hard work and money, complete integrity, and lots of independent testing and research.

What this has shown us is that kiosks are anything but on the decline…in fact the marketplace for kiosks is growing so quickly that market analysts are predicting that by 2013…just over three years from now…they will be viewed by average citizens as “a way of life”.

Part of this success is fueled by the need for people to transact every aspect of their life as conveniently as possible in as many public places as possible. The remainder is sparked by businesses and institutions that have been reminded by the current economy that every cost needs to be kept in check for survival.

Transactions completed by consumers in North America using self-service kiosks are projected to more than double over the next few years, according to a new research study from IHL Group.A newly released report, “
2009 North American Self-Service Kiosks,” forecasts the value of self-service kiosk transactions will grow from $775 billion this year to more than $1.6 trillion by 2013. According to Lee Holman, lead retail analyst of the IHL Group, the ongoing recession is contributing to the growth of self-service kiosks as businesses and institutions turn to the technology to keep labor costs in check.

In particular, retailers, restaurants and transportation authorities can expect to see continued double-digit revenue growth from self-service kiosk transactions, said Holman. The report is outstanding news for the digital signage market. It is no surprise that pairing traditional linear digital signage with interactive capability is a powerful tool for anyone who has a message to deliver and a transaction to conduct.

The IF Music take from this and many other recent reports that validate these predictions is that the kiosk marketplace is growing by the minute and we can confirm this with every test we conduct and in virtually every location we visit.

It goes without saying that the winners in the kiosk marketplace will offer a true value-added service. We believe that the leaders in this marketplace will take this many steps further…differentiating the look, the appeal, the enticement and the sheer fun involved in using their kiosks. We believe they will combine value-added services to complement each other… to combine offers, bundles, digital signage and digital services tailored to the requirements of the actual audience at each location.

In our crystal ball music, tickets, food, movies, entertainment, shopping and information are all related so long as they reach a specific targeted audience who have fun accessing all of these in a single, social, convenient location. That crystal ball has become the strategic business plan for what is now IF Music.

IF this plan were the future we would say it was a bright one indeed. IF we could combine these features we were sure it would be massive for everyone involved.
IF we could persevere and our supporters had patience we felt the wait would be worth it.

We did, we have, and it is!

IF Music-Music (and Tickets, and Promotions, and Savings, and Information etc. etc.) Truly Everywhere!

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